Street Eats Bar Menu
Choice of: Estrella, 805, and Cali Squeeze.
Tequila-based Cocktail, Triple Sec, and Lime Juice served on the Rocks with a Lime Wedge. Candied Straw, Salt or Tajin to the Rim is an option.
Michelada is made with Beer, Lime Juice, and Assorted Sauces. Candied Straw, Salt or Tajin to the Rim is an option.
Tequila-based cocktail with Lime Juice, Squirt, served on the rocks with a Lime Wedge. Candied Straw, Salt or Tajin to the Rim is an option.
White and Red Wine
Tequila-based Cocktail, Triple Sec, and Lime Juice served on the Rocks with a Lime Wedge. Candied Straw, Salt or Tajin to the Rim is an option.
Tequila-based cocktail with Lime Juice, Squirt, served on the rocks with a Lime Wedge. Candied Straw, Salt or Tajin to the Rim is an option.